Actor Kartik Aaryan's film 'Chandu Champion', which is a biopic on Murikant Petkar, India's first Paralympic Gold Medallist, hit the theatres today, June 14. The Kabir Khan directorial has received rave reviews and Kartik has been hailed for his career-best performance. But did you know, Sushant Singh Rajputꦑ expressed his desire to play Murikant Petkar? Had he been alive today, the actor would have fulfilled his dreams. Nonetheless, Kartik has fulfilled Sushant's wish by doing the biopic.
😼Sushant, who died on June 14, 2020, was interested in bringing the story of Murlikant Petkar to the celluloid. In fact, when Sushant last visited them in August of 2019, he assured Murlikant that he would tell the untold story of the gold medalist on the big screen. When he heard the news of SSR's demise, he was devastated.
💮Murlikant Petkar told Indian Express that before Kabir Khan, Sushant Singh Rajput, was making a film on his life and his journey as a Paralympian. The actor had already shot 10 to 15 per cent of the film but due to his death, the film was halted. The army man turned sportsperson also said that Sushant was extremely passionate about telling his story and used to spent a lot of time with him to understand how he managed to win all those gold medals despite getting shot nine times and being in a coma.
🌞Earlier, in an interview with Bollywood Hungama, Sushant while showing his interest to do a biopic on Petkar, said, “The minute I heard his story I was on. I wanted to do it without a second thought. What an inspiring story! After playing Dhoni, I’m looking forward to playing Petkar who never allowed his physical hurdles to stand in the way of his dreams. I like playing characters who dream big.”
🌊Sushant Singh Rajput passed away on June 14 four years back and 'Chandu Champion' has been released on the same date. What a coincidence, isn't it?
ღOn Sushant Singh Rajput's death, Murlikant Petkar said, “His sudden passing was very shocking. The loss feels personal. 14th of June…. the date is painful to remember. The release of Chandu Champion on this date is a tribute to Sushant who left this world so early. It is the perfect homage to the young talent who wanted to tell my story and play me on-screen but his story remained incomplete!”