๐Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was attacked by an intruder at his Mumbai home, is recovering well and is expected to be discharged in two to three days, doctors said on Saturday. While, Mumbai police have not arrested anyone in the case so far, reported news agency PTI.
โฑOn the other hand, a new photo of the attacker with a knife has surfaced. Two days after the incident, the incident took place at the actor's house in Bandra, Mumbai.
โThe 54-year-old actor suffered multiple stab wounds, including on his neck and near the spine, in a brutal attack at his house in Bandra in the early hours of Thursday. He was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery.
Here are the latest developments so far:
What Doctors Say
โDoctors at the hospital said the actor, who has been shifted out of the ICU, is recovering well. He is walking and is on a normal diet. They said Khan is expected to be discharged in two to three days.
๊ง"We are observing his progress, and he is doing excellently well according to our expectations. As per his progress, we have advised him to have bed rest, and if he is comfortable, then in two to three days we will discharge him," Dr. Nitin Dange, a neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, had said on Friday, as quoted by PTI.
๐ฆนHe said a team of doctors checked on him and made him walk.
โDr. Dange had said that Khan had three injuries, two on the hand and one on the right side of the neck. And the major part was at the back, which was in the spine.
๐ฎDoctors have removed the sharp object from the back and repaired the spinal injury, he had said.
Saifโs Attacker Changed Clothes, Last Seen In Mumbaiโs Bandra
๊ฆThe man who attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife at his Mumbai residence early Thursday, January 16, was last spotted at Bandra station.
๐ฐIn this new picture, which is a screengrab from CCTV footage, the attacker can be seen in a different set of clothes than he was seen wearing in the earlier pictures, reported India Today.
๐An earlier visual of the attacker, a day after the incident, showed him wearing a blue shirt, as opposed to the black t-shirt he wore on the night he attacked the actor. Meanwhile, the attacker can be seen in a yellow t-shirt in the new picture.
๐ฆMumbai Police said that the attacker likely took a train from Bandra to move around Mumbai or to travel to another place. Multiple police teams are scanning CCTV footage from railway stations across the city to track down the suspect, as per the reports.
โThe police have formed more than 30 teams to track down and nab the attacker, who stabbed the film star in his 12th-floor apartment at the Satguru Sharan building during a robbery attempt.