Meera Chopra has finally tied the knot to longtime boyfriend Rakshit Kejriwal. The two had a very intimate wedding ceremony earlier today. Meera Chopra and Rakshit Kejriwal have taken to social media to share the first pictures from the marriage ceremony and they are absolutely dreamy.
Meera Chopra and Rakshit Kejriwal captioned the wedding pictures as, “Forever now in h൩appiness, fights, laughter, tears and lifetime of memories. Har Janam Tere Sath (sic).”
Check out the pictures right here:
Meera Chopra was looking oh-so-gorgeous as she sported a red lehenga for the marriage ceremony. Rakshit Kejri💙wal opted to wear an ivory sherwani.
The wedding took place at the Buena Vista Luxury Garden Spa Resort. It is located on the Jaipur-Delhi highway. It is a very scenic location and the pictures from the wedding bear witness to the beauty of the location. The mehndi, haldi and sangeet ceremonies were all conducted at the same venue in the past couple of days, and pictures from the same have also flooded social media already.
Many from the film fraternity attended the wedding. Sandeep Singh, Anand Pandit, Arjan Bajwa, Gaurav Chopra and many others took time out of their busy schedule to come in for the wedding ceremony and wish the happy couple for their new journey in life. Man🉐y close ones of the couple couldn’t come to the wedding and decided to wish the couple on social media.
On the work front, Meera Chopra was recently seen in ‘Safed’, which got massive critical acclaim. She was also seen in films like ‘19ౠ20 London’, ‘Section 375’, ‘Gangs Of Ghost൲s’ and many others. She is the cousin sister to Priyanka Chopra, Parineeti Chopra and Mannara Chopra.
Here’s wishing Meera Chopra and Rakshi Kejriwal a lifetime of happiness and all the very best for their ne♏w journey together.