According to three sources who spok𒁃e to Reuters, Trump administration might impose a travel ban 🌌on both Pakistan and Afghanistan before the end of March. The move is a staple of the Trump Administration, who pulled a similar tactic in 2017 after he took office for the first time.
Travel ban was informally known as "Muslim ban" because of its focus on Muslim-majority countries. The first time around, the seven coun😼tries that were banned included Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
Trump administration is citing the lack of "scre﷽ening" in the countries as a reason to install the ban, which would either be partial or full. Afghanistan and Pakistan are likely to come under the list of countries who will face a full ban, according to the sources who spoke to Reuters. The adminis♓tration has not made it clear what they mean by the lack of "screening".
Afghani🐓stan is in the middle of a political crisis, especially since the withdrawal of US troops in 2020.🐼 Since the Taliban took over, activists have been facilitating the escape of citizens of risk to the US, and many have sought asylum from the US. While it would still be possible for citizens to travel under special conditions, the travel ban is going to seriously hinder the pursuit of asylum.
Before Trump took over the office, there were rumours swirling that India and China might be on the list🉐 of countries which might get banned too. An official update is likely to arrive on March 21.