Priyanka Chopra will next be seen in upcoming series ‘Citadel’, executive produced by the Russo brothers. The actress, on Monday, shared some first look images of ‘Citadel’ thereby amping up the excitementꦏ levels of her fans. But the interesting part was that in one of the photos, there was a hidden social media QR code, which unlocked the teaser of ‘Citadel’.
In the photo featuring actor Richard Madden looking at a screen containing every detail about Priyanka’s character, there is a QR code. If you scan the QR code, it takes you to a small teaser🥃, which reveals that the trailer for the series will be unveiled on March 1.
The short teaser begins with Stanley Tucci saying, “Everything you know is a lie. What you were was a myth. What you were was a𒆙 Citadel.” It also has🍌 a shot of Priyanka looking in a green dress. Check it out:
For the unversed, 'Citadel' tells the story of the eponymous independent global spy agency which gets destroyed by operatives of Manticore as the former was tasked to uphold the safety and security of all people. With Citadel's fall, elite ag🅠ents Mason Kane (Richard Madden) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka Chopra) had their memories wiped as they escaped with their lꦺives.
T𓂃he series also stars Lesley Manville as Dahlia Archer, Osy Ikhile as Carter Spence, Ashleigh Cummings as Abby Conroy, Roland Moller as💮 Anders Silje and Davik Silje and Caoilinn Springall as Hendrix Conroy.
'Citadel' will premeier on Prime Video on April 28, with two episodes, followed by a new episode released weekly every Friday through May 26. 'Citadel' and its subse🐎quent series traverse the globe with interconnected stories. Each Citadel series is locally created, produced, and filmed in-region. Series are already underway in Italy and India, respectively, starring Matilda De Angelis, Varun Dhawan, and Samantha Ruth Prabhu.