𝓡Telugu actor Adivi Sesh’s awaited pan India film ‘Major’ is releasing on June 3, amid high expectations. The film's makers have partnered with BookMyShow to screen the special premieres for fans before the official nationwide release of the film. The announcement was made on Monday (May 23).
🌃‘Major’, is Sesh's much-anticipated pan-India film, amid high expectations, with the trailer and songs receiving rave reviews. The film is directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka and co-produced by Mahesh Babu, Sony Pictures along with Anurag Reddy and Sharath Chandra.
꧃Typically, early premiere shows take place for the film industry members. However, with 'Major', it will be seen that a big film has partnered with BookMyShow to screen the film nationwide.
⛎The special previews for fans will take place in Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Kochi.
𒐪Since the true purpose of the film is to honour 26/11 martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, the producers have stated that ticket prices will be extremely low and accessible to people from all over the country. Hence, the makers of the film have decided to stick with standard ticket prices in multiplexes and other theatres.