Recently, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan left for the Cannes Film Festival with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. She was spotted with an arm sling due to her wrist injury. At Cannes 2꧒024, the former Miss World turned heads with her oh-so-gorgeous looks. She nailed her red carpet looks by wearing dramatic gowns. Today early morning, Aishwarya along with Aaradhya🐲 returned to India. She was seen making a splash at the Mumbai airport.
For her airport look, Aishwarya donned an all-black outfit with a printed overcoat. The actress kept her hair open and wore a pair ofꦓ cool shade atop her head. Aaradhya was in a white sweatshirt and denim pants. The mother-daughter duo was all smiles as they exited the airport. Aishwarya also waved at the paps before closing her꧟ car's door.
Watch the video here.
On day 1 of the 77th edition of Cannes Film Fest༺ival, Aishwarya wore a custom Falguni Shane Peacock gown. It was great work of art. The black and white gown with hand-beaten molten gold 3D flowers and plates made it an exquisite piece. The diva carried off the look with elan. She was a sight to behold in the dramatic couture. Her smile and poses for the camera were like a cherry on the cake. Aish's first l🌠ook at Cannes however got mixed reviews.
On day 2 also she stole the limelight with her breat⛎htaking look. The 'Ponniyin Selvan' actress was in a double-shaded outfit in blue and silver gown, designed by Falguni and Shane Peacock. She attended the screening of 'Kinds of Kindness' in this glamorous outfit. Like her first appearance, she captivated the onlookers and photographers with her second look as well.
On the work front, Aishwarya was last seen in Mani Ratnam's 'ꦿPonniyin Selvan 2'. She was raveꦍd for her performance in the epic drama. She is yet to announce her next project.