꧂Actress Alia Bhatt and actor Ranbir Kapoor are slated to marry today in an intimate wedding ceremony attended by close friends and family. The only person who is not present is Ranbir Kapoor’s father, the late Rishi Kapoor, whom everyone is missing on this occasion.
🗹In honour of the late actor, his closest friend and co-star Shakti Kapoor told Hindustan Times that while he is sad that Rishi Kapoor is not present to witness the wedding, he is confident that the late actor is joyful and dancing up there in heaven and is showing his well wishes and blessing on the newlyweds. Shakti Kapoor further stated that he is relieved that Ranbir Kapoor has not postponed the wedding any longer. He believes that now is the appropriate moment in time for Ranbir Kapoor to get hitched finally.
🐓Shakti Kapoor went on to also say that when he closes his eyes, he still feels that he can see his dear friend Rishi Kapoor dressed in a white Punjabi safa, standing at the gate of the wedding, smiling laughing, greeting everyone and being the most generous host that he was. He also recalled his chats with the late actor concerning Ranbir Kapoor's wedding. Rishi Kapoor used to moan that youngsters of today's generation do not want to get married, and on the other hand, he would also point out that lots of marriages nowadays do not work.
❀Shakti Kapoor continued by adding that if Rishi Kapoor had been alive today, he would have gone crazy with happiness. He would have been overjoyed.
🔯Shakti Kapoor, who is now in Kolkata, also disclosed that he will not be attending the wedding since the family wishes to keep attendance to a minimum.