Actor-director Anupam Kher on Sunday expressed his gratitude to the Mumbai Police officials for their "promptness" in catching two persons in connection with a burglary at his office earlier this week.
ꦑIn an X post, the veteran actor had shared that two thieves broke into his Veera Desai Road office and stole the negatives of a film produced by his company on Wednesday.
ꦇThe police on Saturday took Majid Sheikh and Daler Bahreem Khan into custody from the Jogeshwari area on Friday night for committing the crime.
༺Kher shared a gratitude note for the police in an Instagram post.
🌱"My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for #MumbaiPolice for catching both the thieves who ransacked my office, stole my safe and the negative of #MaineGandhiKoNaiMara.