'Chandu Champion' starring Kartik Aaryan🉐 as the titular character, has finally crossed the Rs 30 crore mark at the box office in India. On Wednesday, day 6, the film saw a dip in its collections as it earned only Rs 3 crore, as reported by Sacnilk.com.
'Chandu Champion⭕' opened to Rs 4.75 crore on day one and collected Rs 7 crore on day two. On day three, it witnessed growth by collecting Rs 9.75 crore- the highest earnings so far. On day four, the collections declined to Rs 5 crore. Day 5 saw further drop as it minted Rs 3.25 crore. So, the six-day box office collection of 'Chandu Champion' in India stands at Rs 32.75 (nett) crore. The same report also claimed that the sports biopic had a 13.45 percent Hindi occupancy on Wednesday.
🥃As usual, night shows witnessed highest occupancy of 19.99%, evening shows had an attendance of 14.73%, afternoon shows had 12.33% and morning shows had 6.73%.
🐎On Wednesday, Kartik visited a screening which was attended by his young fans. He shared the video where his fans were cheering for him. “Blessed to get the purest form of love from these little angels,” he captioned it.
ꦏDirector Kabir Khan recently spoke about the film's slow start at the box office. On the opening collections, he told Bollywood Hungama, “It is too early to say what the reasons are, but post COVID, it has become very difficult to analyse logically what is happening in terms of behaviour. The opening was definitely lower than what we all were expecting because of the tremendous response to the trailer, to the song units that were out. So one would expect a slightly healthier opening, but that didn’t pan out the way we wanted to.”
🐲Kartik is lauded for his stellar performance as India's first Paralympic gold medalist Murlikant Petkar. The movie also starred Vijay Raaz, Sonali Kulkarni, Rajpal Yadav, Yashpal Sharma, and Bhuvan Arora in pivotal roles. Shreyas Talpade had a special appearance. Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan have produced it under their banners Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and Kabir Khan Films.