Shriya Pilgaonkar has been garnering great praises for her recent release ‘The Broken News 2’. The show has proved to be a notch higher than the first season in terms of the thrill factor, and Shriya Pilgaonkar’s character is definitely one of the pivotal factors which hold up the show tightly. As the show is about the workings of the media, the actress has spoken up about the freedom of the press on World Press Freedom Day.
“Freedom of the press is indeed a cornerstone of our democracy, and we’re fortunate to have that freedom. While there will always be obstacles, India is a place where press freedom thrives. It’s fantastic that our show is being released on a day that highlights this aspect, offering valuable insights to many. In today’s digital age, anyone with a phone and an opinion, anyone can act as a journalist, which can be both empowering and dangerous. There are two sides to the same coin. Therefore, it’s crucial to be responsible. I hope that’s a message viewers take away from the show,” says Shriya Pilgaonkar talking about press freedom.
As the tagline of the show goes ‘sach ya sansani’, Shriya Pilgaonkar also speaඣks up about how to maintain the right balance between the truth and the ♔demand for sensationalism.
“I believe finding the balance between truth and sensationalism is crucial. When your intention is genuine and focused on truthfulness, that balance will naturally emerge. Creativity is not the issue; it’s about the underlying intention behind the storytelling. It’s perfectly fin𓃲e to be creative in how you present stories, but it’s essential to ensure that the core intention is to convey the truth. If your intention is grounded in truthfulness, you’ll find creative w⛎ays to tell your stories while maintaining integrity. However, if your intention strays from truthfulness, it becomes evident. So, it all begins with intention; that’s where the foundation lies,” concludes Shriya Pilgaonkar.