With the start of the New Year, wedding bells have been ringing in actor Aamir Khan's home. His daughter Ira Khan got married on Wednesday to Nupur Shikhare in Mumbai. To attend the festivities were Aamir's first wife, who is also the mother of the bride, Reena Dutta and their son Junaid Khan. Aamir's second wife Kiran Rao and their son Azad 🌟Rao Khan also marked their presence.
Ever since the news of the wedding came out, paparazzis have been surrounding the family, with many photos and videos that have go꧙ne viral.
Now, in a new video from the day of the wedding, while taking a family photo, Aamir walked towards Kir🍸an, who was standing next to Azad, and exchanged a few words with her. Then, he proceeded to give her a kiss on her cheek as she smiled cheek-to-cheek.
For the wedding, the actor chose to wear a cre𒅌am-beige co♏loured sherwani along with a pink turban. Meanwhile, Reena Dutta donned a blue and golden outfit, and Kiran was seen in a golden and green outfit.
The couple made their relationship 'official' through aඣ reg🌊istered marriage. They threw an engagement party last November and have arranged an elaborate wedding function scheduled to take place in Udaipur on January 8.