Jr NTR attended the awards ceremony with director SS Rajamouli and his ‘♑RRR’ co-star Ram Charan on Wednesday. In fact, he has been in the US for some time now to promote his Telugu film ‘RRR’ during awards season. He even joined Rajamoulܫi at a few screenings of ‘RRR’ ahead of the Oscar nominations later this month.
Now during an interaction with Hollywood trade website Variety, NTR opened up on his future plans, especially if they would be interes🌺ted in any Hollywood films. When asked if he would love to join Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), NTR quipped that he is 'waiting for it to happen'.
He said, "I would love to do it. I'm waiting for it to happen." NTR revealed that his favourite character from Marvel is 🍨Iron Man, "He's so relatable. He is someo🐈ne like us. He does not have superpowers. He doesn't come from a different planet. He's not someone who has been put through a science experiment and become the Hulk."
Coming to ‘RRR’, he men🉐ওtioned how he trained rigorously for 18 months for his role as Bheem in the film and even gained around 7 kg of muscle.
On the work front, his next titled NTR30 will begin filming in February, and will release wꦿorldwide on April 5, 2024. Prod🌳uced by Hari Krishna K and Sudhakar Mikkilineni, the film will have music composed by Anirudh. Janhvi Kapoor is expected to feature alongside NTR in the film, while nothing has been announced yet.