Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are set to tie the knot on July 12 in a traditional Hindu wedding at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai’s Bandra Kurla Complex. Ahead of their wedding, it was recently reported that the Ambani clan is in talks with Adele🍌, Drake, and Lana Del Rey to perform at their bash. Amidst this, a recent paparazzi video has shown Justin Bieber arriving in Mumbai to perform at the wedding.
In a viral video shared by paparazzo Viral Bhayani, Justin Bieber🔯’s car was spotted in Mumbai amidst tight security. The pop star is reportedly in town to perform at Anant Amabni-Radhika Merchant’s sangeet ceremony. Sharing the video, the paparazzo wrote, “Who needs fireworks when you have Justin Bieber? The Ambani wedding celebrations are about to get lit! Justin Bieber is going to perform at Radhika merchant's Sangeet.” As reported by a Portuguese daily – LeoDias, the singer is being paid $10 million to perform at the function.
Take a look at the viral video here.
🍨Before the wedding, the Ambani family hosted a wedding for 52 underprivileged couples. The family kickstarted the wedding with a mameru ceremony. The event was attended by Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani, Purnima Dalal, Akash Ambani, Shloka Ambani, Isha Ambani, and Anand Piramal among others. In this Gujarati wedding tradition, the maternal uncle of the bride gives her sweets and other gifts.
💯Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding will kickstart with a Shubh Vivah (wedding function), where guests are asked to dress in traditional Indian attire. The celebrations will continue on Saturday, July 13, with Shubh Aashirwad. The final event, Mangal Utsav, or the wedding reception, is scheduled for Sunday, July 14.