Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut🎶 recently made news when she announced that she will be contesting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh for BJP. At a recent conference, she opened up about her previous controversies including the ‘soft porn star’ remark she had made for Urmila Matondkar. Addressing her comment, she defended what she had said earlier about the ‘Rangeela’ actor.
At the recent Times Now Summit 2024, Kangana Ranaut defended her ‘soft porn star’ actor comment that she had made about Urmila Matondkar🐬. She said that she had no intention of shaming the actor for her movie choices because she was comfortable with what she was doing. She said, “I am not justifying anything. If these actresses are comfortable with words such as tandoori murgi, item girl, Sheila ki Jawani, why is it seen as something violating? It is a matter of fact, if they are comfortable with this, why do you want to shame them? I personally do not think I had any intention of shaming her (Urmila Matondkar) because she is very comfortable in that role.”
She also talked about how adult movie stars get respect in India from the audience. She cited the example of Sunny Leone and talked about how people respect her. The actorꦺ continued, “Tell me, are 'soft porn' or 'porn star' objectionable terms? No! They are not objectionable terms. It is just a word that is not acceptable socially. The amount of respect porn stars get in India – just ask Sunny Leone – nowhere else in the world is that the case.”
𒉰In 2020, Ranaut had passed this jibe at Matondkar after she had called her out. The actor will be next seen in ‘Emergency.’