Rani Mukerji and Kajol made a joint appearance in the latest episode of ‘Koffee with Karan’ Season 8. During their interaction, Rani opened up about how she and her husband Aditya Chopra have maintained aཧ strict ‘no photographs’ policy for their daughter, Adira Chopra, who is seven-years-old. In fact, she has protected her privacy so much that no one has even seen any paparazzi shots of Adira.
Explaining how she manages to evade Adira’s photos at a time when clicking celebrity kids is not really a difficult task, Rani said that soon after Adira was born, she would ask 𝄹photographers to not click her photos, and they would oblige.
“I told them ‘Please, baby ka photo mat lijiye (don’t take the baby’s photo) and from that day, they respected that. To this day, they wait until Adira goes into the airport and then they take my pictures,” Rani said on the show, adding how when she first told the photographers to not take Adira’s p💟hotos, they got “scared.” The actress quipped, “They look at my eyes and they get scared.”
Furthermore, Rani mentioned how it was important for both her and Aditya Chopra to raise their daughter in a way that she does not feel pr𒀰ivileged. “(It was) our decision together that we don’t want Adira to be photographed. We have a different idea of how we want to raise Adira so that she doesn’t feel privileged or she doesn't feel special in school. She feels like any other kid and doesn’t get extra attention,” Rani said.
While Rani is a renowned actress, he𝓰r husband, Aditya Chopra is the head of one of the biggest studios in India, Yash Raj Films.
Meanwhile, hearing out Rani, Karan wondered how Aditya Chopra manages to evade the paparazzi. While he did make an appearance in Netflix’s ‘The Romantics’, he is usually known as the man who never gets photographed. To which Rani said, “He is really simple when he moves around,” she said and explained that they have a strategy when they exit the airport as a family. “I am a𝓡ctually the honeybee so I have to make way for my child and my husband.”
Rani was las🦹t seen in ‘M𝐆rs. Chatterjee vs Norway’.