After having a massive opening of Rs 51 crore in India, Ram Charan starrer Game Changer saw a consistant downfall on its second, third and fourth day. It saw a decline of 57.65% as it earned only Rs 21.6 crore on its day 2. It witnessed further dip of 26.39% on day 3 as it collected only Rs 15.9 crore. On day 4, there was a further downturn as the political drama raked in Rs 8.5 crore on its first Monday, taking the total box officeβ collection to Rs 97.00 crore at the Indian box office, as per a report in Sacnilk.
Game Changerπ had an overall 20.58% Telugu occupancy on Monday, with maximum occupancy of 25.07% from the evening shows and lowest occupancy of 12.79% in the morning shows.
κ§The Shankar directorial had an overall occupancy of 20.58% in its Telugu shows, 14.22% in its Tamil shows, and 8.16% in its Hindi shows.
Game ChangerΰΌ reportedly collected Rs 25 crore overseas, taking its global collections to Rs 130.7 crore.
κ©²The makers of the film, however, claimed that the film grossed over Rs 186 crore at the global box office on the opening day. β#BlockbusterGameChanger GROSSES 186 CRORES WORLDWIDE on Day 1."
Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has called out Game Changerπ team for allegedly faking the box office numbers.
Produced by Dil Raju, Game Changerβ also stars Kiara Advani, Nassar, SJ Suryah, Vennela Kishore, Murali Sharma and Brahmanandam in key roles.