Ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday made a scathing attack on Congress saying the party has been weakening “India’s unity, integrity and interests”. He hit out at the Opposition🔯 party over its decision to hand over the disputed Katchatheevu island to Sri Lanka in 1974.
🥂PM’s sharp response came after a Right To Information (RTI) application revealed how the Congress government led by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi handed over Katchatheevu island to Sri Lanka in 1974.
"Eye opening and startling! New facts reveal how Congress ꧅callously gave away Katchatheevu. This has angered every Indian and reaffirmed in people’s minds - we can’t ever trust Congress! Weakening India’s unity, integrity and interests has been Congress’ way of working for 75 years and counting," PM Modi wrote on X.
♔Katchatheevu island has always been in limelight. It is the area where fishermen community from Tamil Nadu wade for fishing, and end up being caught by Sri Lankan Navy for crossing the International Maritime Border Line (IMBL).