💜Gautam Buddh Nagar police has invited suggestions from residents of Noida and Greater Noida for effective law and order measures, to improve women safety this ongoing winter season. Their plan entails increasing police patrolling and pickets.
ܫThe suggestions can be made Twitter at the police handle @noidapolice via e-mail at "mailto:[email protected]"[email protected] and at the women's cell helpline 9870395200, the official said.
🤪"A campaign will be carried out over the next few days for taking suggestions and feedbacks from the residents vis a vis increasing police patrolling, setting up more pickets etc for women safety under the supervision of Women and Child Safety unit head Deputy Commissioner Vrinda Shukla," the police spokesperson said.
♓The police commissionerate has noted that several working women face inconvenience at desolate or unlit road stretches while returning from work in the evening, as the sun also sets early during winters and sometimes due to foggy weather conditions.
ꦓ"Based on the feedback, patrolling and pickets would be increased on all such sections and wherever deemed necessary for preventive action by the police," the spokesperson said.
💟The campaign will continue for the next few days and effective measures will be taken by the Mahila Swayam Siddha team, a specialised bike-borne team of women police personnel, on the basis of the suggestions, the official added.
(With PTI Inputs)