α¦Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said various hurdles were being put in the way of the city government but it was overcoming them to work for people. Talking to reporters after the conclusion of the first day of the budget session of Delhi Assembly, he said LG V K Saxena had also said that the government has been working despite various obstacles.
π"There is interference in the functioning of the government. Various obstacles are being put but we are crossing them and working with the support of the people of Delhi. Not only the people of Delhi but the entire country acknowledges this," Kejriwal said.
π·While exiting the assembly, Saxena said in the last few days, the dignity of speech has been shattered. When Kejriwal was asked about the remarks, he said: "These are small things. Democracy should be respected. If two crore people have chosen a government, it should be allowed to work. It is not good to interfere in its functioning," he said.