🌠The Noida police have launched an investigation after suspected cattle carcasses were found strewn in a city dump yard, officials said on Tuesday.The carcasses were found in the dump yard near a village in the Transport Nagar area under the Phase 3 police station limits and is believed to have been thrown on Monday night, they said."The matter was brought to the knowledge of the local police station by a PRV (police response vehicle) after a local spotted the carcasses and a probe has been taken up. The samples have been sent for forensic examination," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Noida) Harish Chander said."Four police teams have been formed to investigate the case and those responsible for the act will be arrested and brought to the book. Action under the stringent Gangsters Act and the National Security Act (NSA) will also be taken against the guilty," the officer said.He said an FIR has been registered in the case and further legal proceedings were underway.
Police Launch Probe After Suspected Cattle Carcasses Found In UP's Noida
🦩 The carcasses were found in the dump yard near a village in the Transport Nagar area under the Phase 3 police station limits and is believed to have been thrown on Monday night.
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