India, the sixth country to take part in the historic cricket tournament known as the Test Series, have gone through a long journey creating and breaking records, playing hundreds of matches. March 7, 2024, remains special for Indian spinner, Ravichandran Ashwin, as he reached a milestone by completing his 100th Test match. This feat places him in the company of 13 legendary Indian cricketers including Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev, and Rahul Dravid. (More Cricket News)
Indian national cricket team re⛄cently extended their winning streak to 17 consecutive Test wins at homeland playing against England. Since 1932, India have played a total of 578 matches, emerged victorious in 177, lost 📖178, drawn 222, and tied 1 developing 14 star players to appear in more than 100 test matches. Below is the list of India's 100 Test Club Cricketers.
India's 100-Test Club Cricketers List:
1. Sachin Tendulkar - 200 matches
2. Rahul Dravid- 163 matches
3. Venkata Sai Laxman - 134 matches
4. Anil Kumble - 132 matches
5. Kapil Dev - 131 matches
6. Sunil Gavaskar - 125 matches
7. Dilip Vengsarkar - 116 matches
8. Sourav Ganguly - 113 matches
9. Virat Kohli - 113 matches
10. Ishant Sharma - 105 matches
11. Harbhajan Singh - 103 matches
12. Cheteshwar Pujara - 103 matches
13. Virendra Sehwag- 103 matches
14. Ravichandran Ashwin - 100 matches
In the 5th and final test match against Engla꧃nd at the HPCA Stadium in Dharamsala, India is trailing by 172 runs with no wickets down chasing the target of 219 runs. Kuldeep Yadav's five wickets and Ravichandran Ashwin's four wickets stifled Ben Stoke's men to only score 218 in 57.4 overs.