Actor Ajay Devgn will star in the sequel of his 2018 blockbuster ‘Raid’. The shooting of 'Raid 2' has commenced today, January 6 in Mumbai. It is said to be extensively shot in Mumbai, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The sequel is backed by Bhushan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek💯 Pathak and Krishan Kumar. It is helmed by Raj Kumar Gupta, who also directed the first instalment.
Abhishek Pathak announced the news with a poster of the upcoming film. Ajay Devgn's ‘Raid 2’ will re🅺lease in theatres on November 15, 2024. He captioned the poster, ''IRS Officer Amay Patnaik returns for another gripping case! Get ready for intense drama and suspense with Raid 2 on 15th November 2024!''
The second part will be m🤪ore intense with ''double the drama and suspense” and will celebr💞ate "unsung heroes of the Income Tax Department".
'Raid' was very much loved by the audience. It also received positive revi𝕴ews from critics. The ꧃first part was based on the real-life income-tax raid conducted on Indian industrialist Sardar Inder Singh in the 1980s, which lasted about three days and two nights. It is said to be the longest raid in Indian history.
'Raid' also starred Ileana D'Cruz and S🃏aurab♕h Shukla in pivotal roles.
Apart from 'Raid 2, Ajay Devgn also has ‘Maidaan’. He will also be seen in Rohit Shetty'sﷺ ‘Singham Again’ and in a romantic drama, 'Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha' opposite Tabu directed by Neeraj Pandey.