Marvel film 'Deadpool And Wolverine' is running successfully at the Indian box office. The Hugh Jackman-Ryan Reynolds starrer has overshadowed Bollywood releases- 'Ulajh' and 'Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha' which hit the screens on August 2. The superhero film entered the coveted Rs 100 crore club in India in the second weekend. It has crossed Rs 100 crore mark in the ninth day of it release. After collecting Rs 4.25 crore on the second Friday, it saw a substantial growth on Day 9 as it raked in Rs Rs 7.5 crore net, as per Sacnilk report. So, the total box office collection of 'Deadpool And Wolverine' in India stands at Rs 101.65 crore, out of which Rs 53.5 crore has come from the English version, Hindi version collected Rs 38.65 crore, the Telegu version m🔯inted Rs 3.75 crore and the Tamil language collected Rs 5.75 crore.
The same report also stated that 'Deadpool & Wolverine' had an overall 36.59% English occupancy on Saturday. Night shows had the highest occupancy of 44.2🍒6%, followed by evening shows with 41.16% occupancy, afternoon shows witnessed 38.49% attendance and morning shows had an occupancy of 22.45%.
Have a look at the day-wise box office collection of 'Deadpool and Wolverine' - nett collection
Friday: Rs 21 crore
Saturday: Rs 22.65 crore
Sunday: Rs 22.3 crore
Monday: Rs 6.75 crore
Tuesday: Rs 6.3 crore
Wednesday: Rs 5.65 crore
Thursday: Rs 5.25 crore
Friday: Rs 4.25 crore
Saturday: Rs 7.5 crore
Talking about 'Deadpool And Wolverine' worldwide box office collection, in nine days, it has earned Rs 6000 crore. It is expected to be Marvel's highest-gro✅ssing film of the year. As of now, the superhero film has no major competitors at the Indian box office. But on August 15, there are three major Bollywood releases- 'Stree 2', 'Vedaa', and 'Khel Khel Mein', which will hit the screens as big Independence Day films. So, 'Deadpool & Wolverine' might have a tough time.