Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan turned 49 on January 10. On the occasion, interior designer Sussanne Khan🌟 wished her ex-husband Hrithik Roshan via an Instagram post. She shared a video of beautiful pictures from their outings together, and the clip also featured their sons, Hridaan Roshan and Hrehaan Roshan.
𓂃In one of the pictures, Hrithik is also seen happily posing with his girlfriend Saba Azad, Sussanne and her boyfriend Arslan Goni. In another picture, Hrithik and Sussanne were twinning in black with their sons Hridaan and Hrehaan on a yacht. The video also had a family picture featuring Pinky Roshan, Rakesh Roshan, Hrithik.
💧Sharing the video on Instagram, Sussanne captioned it as, "Happiest birthday Rye..the best and the strongest part of your life awaits you!! God bless you limitless (high-5, red heart, hugs, biceps emojis). Onwards and more upwards from her." She used '10th Jan 2023' as the hashtag on the post.
﷽On the post, Sussanne's boyfriend Arslan wrote, "Happy birthday.wish you great year @hrithikroshan (party popper emojis)." Chunky Panday commented, "Happy happy birthday (hug and heart emojis)."Designer Farah Khan Ali commented, "Happy happy birthday Duggu: have an amazing year @hrithikroshan (three red heart emojis)."
ꦫMeanwhile, Hrithik’s girlfriend Saba too posted a series of pictures to wish her boyfriend Hrithik. She wrote for him, "It's Ro day!! Hey Ro!! As you glide through this circus we call life, forever wide eyed and curios, constantly evolving, heart strong, mind sharp as a tack, endlessly resilient student of life, annoyingly stubborn to do and be better every day, staying kind and full of grace even when the world may not return the favour, one thing comes to mind 'exception to the rule'. You defy all stereotypes and confuse all assumptions, people rarely surprise but you, you continue to, everyday, in so many ways . The world is tres bizarre Ro but you make it better by just being."
ဣShe added, "So be - for ever and ever you talented beast , favourite goof and human bean and strangest of all fruits. Happy whirl around the sun you, thank you for being borned (red heart emojis)."
👍While Hrithik and Sussanne tied the knot in 2000, shortly after the release of his debut film ‘Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai’, they announced their separation in 2013. Sussanne has been dating Arslan for almost two years now, and Hrithik-Saba made their relationship official in 2022.