The Chennai Police have been asked to file a case against♛ actor Suriya, his wife Jyothika and ‘Jai Bhim’ director TJ Gnanavel, buy the Saidapet Court. The complaint was filed by Vanniyar group, ‘Rudra Vanniyar Sena’, who claimeꦏd that several scenes in the movie showing the Vanniyar community were in poor light, according to India Today.
At the time of the release of the movie, the community had also asked for the movie to be banned. Along with condemning ‘Jai Bhim’, Vanniyar Sangan had asked for objectionable scenes to be removed. They seemed Rs 5 crore damage and an unconditional apology from the film’s team. On the other hand, ‘Jai Bhim’ r🧔eceived critical acclamation and was also sent for Oscars.
‘Jai Bhim’ released on November 2 on Amazon prime video and revolves around the custodial torture on the m💜embers of Irular community. Hindi speaking people objected the scene wherein actor Prakash Raj slaps a man for🍸 speaking the language. Vanniyar community members said that the film is ruining their image and sent a legal notice to Suriya, Jyothika, Gnanavel and Prime Video.
Head of Pattali Makkah Katchi legal wing, Advocate Baalu, said that the legal notice says ✤some scenes from the movie defame Vanniyar community. Following the demands, Nagapattinam district secretary of PMK, also declared Rs 1 Lakh reward for those who attacked the lead actor.