The shooting outside Salman Khan’s Bandra residence in Mumbai has got a new update. Two individuals arrested in connection with the shooting incident outside Salman Khan’s residence are now in policeꦗ custody, as the Mumbai court orders further investigation.
The two men who were arrested by the Mumbai police✤ in connection to the shootings had been produced in front of a judge earlier today, and the Mumbai court as remanded the two men to police custody till April 25. Not only that, the police have also revealed in the court that these two arrested men did the recee outside Salman Khan’s house before the incident eventually happened.
🃏It was reported that the two men, after the incident had fled the state borders and were on the run. However, the Mumbai police along with help from other state police departments swiftly caught hold of the two in Bhuj, Gujarat. They were later identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal.
For the unversed, two previously unnamed men on a motorbike fired multiple bullets outside Galaxy Apartments early Sunday morning before departing. Authorities confirmed that no one in the home was injured. Following the shooting, the suspects abandoned their motorbike outside a church a kilometre from the actor’s residence, walked for a while before taking an auto rickshaw to Bandra train station. They then took a train to Santacruz and got into another auto rickshaw. Anmol Bishnoi, Lawrence Bishnoi⛎’s brother, reportedly claimed responsibility for the event in a Facebook post.
Following this shocking incident, Salman Khan’s security has been beefed up. In addition, he has been authorised to carry a personal firearm and has purchased a new bulletproof vehicle to improve his security precautions. In addition, he has been urged to stay at home unless there are important circumstances that demand his attention. Furthermore, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde 𓂃has given a soothing hand to the actor, promising unwavering support and upholding the rule of law.
🧜Let’s wait and watch what the police are able to get out of these two people who were nabbed and have now been sent to police custody till April 25.