Actor Arjun Bijlani⛄ showcased his vocal prowess by sharing a video of himself singing a song for his team on the sets of 'Pyar Ka Pehla Adhyaya: Shiv Shakti'.
﷽Tagging himself as not a professional singer, he said: "Honestly, I am no professional singer as such, but there are days when I like to sing to lighten up the mood. I believe that music is like a stressbuster for most of us; it helps in relaxing and rejuvenating. I have been fond of singing but never did it professionally."
The actor shared that whenever they "are shooting 🔯on the sets of 'Pyar Ka Pehla Adhyaya: Shiv Shakti', we end up spending a lot of time together in between shots rather than going to our rooms, so while we were waiting for our next shot."
🎀Arjun said: "One day, I decided to lighten up the mood with a song. It was a very impromptu idea, but it made me happy to see my team sing along with me. These are the days and memories that we all will cherish forever, and I hope to keep them entertained along with the audience.”
🎉'Pyar Ka Pehla Adhyaya: Shiv Shakti' airs on Zee TV.