Actor Janit Bhutani, who was previously seen playing the role of Vikrant as an antagonist in the TV show 'Pyar Ka Pehla Naam: Radha Mohan' will now beܫ seen in an episo🦄de of 'Crime World'.
The actor said: "I'm essaying the role of Jay. The series is highlighting a story about extra marꦺital affairs. How a man is involved with a second woman even after being already married and his fun affair takes a turn involving crimes. It's a very interesting story and highlights a situation we mostly hear about in society. I'm happy to act in a series educating society and that helps in bringing positive impact."
Janit continued, "I'm paired alongside Amri🦋ta Tanganiya, who plays my wife and the role of my gi𒐪rlfriend will be essayed by Roma Arora."
"I'm playing a role who is positive, with some anger issuesꦐ. But for a fun shake I get into 🥀another woman. The men would easily relate to it," he concluded.
Janit ⭕has earlie🐭r featured in shows like 'Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2', 'Rudrakaal', among others.
'Crim😼e World' airs the series of dramatised re-enactments of cases revolving around various horrifying and unscrupulous activities that conspire in socie🥀ty.