have traded batter Devdutt Padikkal to in return for right-arm pacer Avesh Khan. Khan joined Lucknow in the 2022 Mega Auction following his release from Delhi Capitals; he played 22 games for LSG, picking up 26 wickets. Padikkal, meanwhile, had been with Rajasthan for the same duration, having secured a move to RR after his release from Royal Challengers Bangalore in 2022. The batter played 28 games for Royals, accumulating 637 runs. (More Cricket News)
Lucknow Super Giants have been busy in the pre-auction window. The KL Rahul-led side bade farewell to Gautam Gambhir🌳 earlier in the day, with the ex-India international returning to Kolkata Knight Riders to take up the role of mentor. LSG had also previously traded West Indian Romario Shepherd for his existing fee. Lucknow Super Giants, who only came into being in 2022, have finished third in both their seasons of the Indian Premier League.
♐Rajasthan Royals, meanwhile, have roped in Lucknow's ten-crore signee for his existing fee as they look to revamp their squaf for TATA IPL 2024. Royals doppped out of the playoffs in 2023, just a year after they had finished second in the league stage.